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2019/8/19 3:12:11发布119次查看
ancient parrot in new zealand was 1m tall, study says
a giant parrot that roamed new zealand about 19 million years ago had a height of 1m (3ft 2in) - more than half the average height of a human, a new study has found.
the remains of the parrot were found near st bathans in new zealands southern otago region.
given its size, the parrot is believed to have been flightless and carnivorous, unlike most birds today.
a study of the bird was published on tuesday in the journal biology letters.
周二,《生物学快报》(biology letters)发表了一项关于此鹦鹉的研究。
weighing just over one stone (7kg), the bird would have been two times heavier than the kākāpo, previously the largest known parrot.
“there are no other giant parrots in the world,” professor trevor worthy, a palaeontologist at flinders university in australia and lead author of the study, told the bbc. “finding one is very significant.”
澳大利亚弗林德斯大学(flinders university)古生物学家、该研究的主要作者特雷弗·沃西教授(trevor worthy)告诉bbc:“世界上没有其他巨型鹦鹉,能找到这一个真的是意义非凡。”
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how birds got their beaks
palaeontologists have dubbed the new species heracles inexpectatus in recognition of its unusual size and strength.
the bones - initially believed to belong to an eagle or duck - were kept in storage for 11 years until earlier this year, when a team of palaeontologists reanalysed them.
prof worthy said one of his students came across the parrots bones by chance in his laboratory during a research project.
the parrot’s beak would have been so big, mike archer of the university of nsw palaeontology said, it “could crack wide open anything it fancied”.
新南威尔士大学(the university of nsw)古生物学家迈克·阿彻(mike archer)说,该鹦鹉的嘴应该很大,它“可以把任何它想要的东西打开”。
the professor told afp news agency the parrot “may well have dined on more than conventional parrot foods, perhaps even other parrots”.
however, because the parrot had no predators, it is unlikely that it was aggressive, prof worthy told the bbc.
“it probably sat on the ground, walked around and ate seeds and nuts, mostly,” he said.
paul scofield, the senior curator of natural history at canterbury museum, told afp that researchers were “putting our money on it being flightless”.
坎特伯雷博物馆(canterbury museum)自然历史馆长保罗·斯科菲尔德(paul scofield)告诉法新社记者,研究人员“把钱花在了研究该鹦鹉为什么不能飞行这个问题上”。
the discovery of large birds is not uncommon in new zealand, once home to the moa, a now-extinct species whose height reached an estimated 3.6m (11ft 8in).
st bathans, where the giant parrots leg bones were excavated, is an area known for its abundance of fossils from the miocene epoch, which extended from 23 million to 5.3 million years ago.
“but until now, no-one has ever found an extinct giant parrot - anywhere,” prof worthy told afp.
“we have been excavating these fossil deposits for 20 years, and each year reveals new birds and other animals... no doubt there are many more unexpected species yet to be discovered in this most interesting deposit.”



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